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About B. C. Hix


Originally from Oklahoma, B.C. Hix was raised on a large ranch where he spent the majority of his childhood learning the true meaning of hard work and perseverance. He grew up with a love for the outdoors, but found his true calling with a career in law enforcement and helping others. His law enforcement career has spanned 20 years, with the last 12 years being committed to protecting Native American communities across the country. For a brief time, he was also blessed with the opportunity to serve his country during Operation Iraqi Freedom.


As an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation, B.C. Hix was fortunate enough to be raised in a family that fostered a love for creativity and learning- with an emphasis on his Native American heritage. In his younger years, that creativity was expressed through painting. During his college years, however, B.C. Hix transitioned to writing... and became inspired to tell stories that no one had ever heard, and to describe worlds that no one had ever seen. 


Today, B.C. Hix lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with his wife of 20 years, two energetic kids, and several four-legged companions. 

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